Wages for IBEW 159 Electrical workers, effective May 27, 2024
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Inside Electricians
Inside Journeyman hourly wage $48.55
Plus fringe benefits (retirement, health insurance)
Total wage and fringe package $73.26/hour
Inside Apprentices earn a percentage of the Journeyman wage, beginning at 45% ($21.85) plus benefits. Total package = $39.08).
They advance through six pay periods (from 45% through 80% of JW scale)
Voice/Data/Video (VDV) Technicians
VDV Technician (Journeyman) hourly wage $33.38
Plus fringe benefits (retirement, health insurance)
Total package $52.46/hour
VDV Apprentices begin at 50% of Installer Technician wage ($18.36/hour, plus benefits. Total package $33.23) They advance through six pay periods (from 55% through 85% of Journeyman scale)
*Under Wisconsin law, apprentices’ wages must average no less than 60% of the wage rate of skilled workers in the trade in which the apprentice is employed, over the term of apprenticeship.